Windows Live Mail (not for everybody)

March 16, 2006

Today, I received an invite to join the Windows Live Mail Beta program. I've been using Gmail for over a year now, and even though I like it a lot, there's many things that could be improved. Windows Mail here's your try.

The first problem I ran into was confirming the invite. As you can see on the screenshot below, the "Join Now" button seems to be broken.

Invite Windows Live Mail

As we all know, displaying HTML inside emails can sometimes be tricky, but I was expecting an email coming from microsoft delivered into its webmail service to be displayed properly. Anyways, a quick look up at the source code reveals the link and we're all good to go

I logged in my hotmail account through the old interface, and I was welcomed by a nice message from Microsoft. (click on the thumbnail to see the original size screenshot)

Thank you Microsoft !

Once again, Microsoft develops applications for its own softwares, preventing users of different browsers to access their apps. Office Live and now Live Mail, what's next ?

Note: You can still access the service, but you can only use the "classic view" and not benefit from the Ajax wonders.

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Hi, I’m Tim. I’m a Software Engineer at You can read more about me or follow @pims on Twitter or ask me almost anything on